
Friday Things


I’ve had a very long week and thought many times about running away from my life like the dude in the picture above. I know I’m lucky to have a good job with a good company that pays me more than enough to live on, but sometimes the soul-sucking hours spent in a windowless cubicle working on things that really don’t matter at all can get to me.

Even bad weeks have high points; here are some of mine:

1. I finally got around to watching the film version of Never Let Me Go, which was just as devastating as I’d expected after reading the book a couple years ago. If you feel like sobbing hysterically (while pondering a really interesting ethical dilemma), this book/movie is for you. Also, Ishiguro’s prose is so simple and brilliant, reading him is an asset to writers (and readers!) everywhere.

2. This Tumblr is awesome.

3. For those who like bread: how to revive stale bread. This article changed my life.

Reading: The Martian. It’s fascinating. And a definite departure from my usual angsty-YA reading list. It also makes me feel supremely stupid (never would have thought of trying to grow my own potatoes, what’s wrong with me?) Read it before it becomes a movie!

Watching: Girls. I know, I’m late to the party. I have never been so sucked into a show in which I dislike pretty much every single character (except Ray. And maybe Adam). Maybe it’s because I live here and find them so realistic. Realism wins out over likability anytime.

Listening to: The Horrible Crowes. This song has been on repeat this week. I adore it.

I believe the above photo originated here

4 responses to “Friday Things”

  1. ForkInPage says:

    What a fantastic entry!!! You spoke to me sista! I had just that kind of a week. I’m going away on vacay later this month so super excited and was looking for something awesome to read. I’ll be taking along “Love Anthony” and “The Martian” and yes I read all the YA in the world — needed a change.

    Thank you again and here’s to a better week next week.

  2. Thanks! Going anywhere good?? The Martian would be perfect for vacay–despite how scientific it gets, it’s totally engrossing. And the protagonist is just so likable. Love Anthony sounds interesting–let me know how you like it!

  3. thatgirlrya says:

    The Martian looks like a good read. Don’t worry, I haven’t even gotten dressed for the Girls party. lol

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