
Good Reads Lately


Been a little while since I updated you all on my reading list. Here are some recent good reads (and incidentally, you can follow my other good reads on Goodreads).

Vanishing Girls Firstly, the prose is beautiful. Lauren Oliver’s prose is always beautiful. This is the story of two sisters, distinct enough from one another but both very realistic, compelling characters, who have issues with each other in the way only sisters can. The setting is perfectly drawn. The other characters are flawed and so real. I read through this in a few days, and loved spending time in this world so much I just didn’t want the book to end. My only issue? The same one I had with all her other books: the ending. It just wasn’t my fave. But that won’t keep me from reading everything Lauren Oliver writes, and it shouldn’t keep you either.

Attachments This book was insanely cute in the way that only a Rainbow Rowell book can be. It’s actually an adult novel, in that everyone in it is in their late 20s or older, but it reads very much like Eleanor & Park and Fangirl to me–maybe because some of us (myself included) never stop being teenagers at heart. It’s a story about finding yourself and figuring out who you’re supposed to be with and what you want to do with your life. It was really well done and you should just go read it, now.

Isla and the Happily Ever After It’s no secret I loved Stephanie Perkins’s other novels, Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door. They were adorable, well-written, with interesting, relatable heroines and swoon-worthy boys. But I loved this one THE MOST because it struck very close to home for me: it so perfectly captures the obsessive sensation of first-time love. I’m no longer a teenager, but this book transported me back to being 18 and in love for the very first time–the butterflies, the feeling that every moment apart is total agony, the text from him after being separated meaning everything to you. I’d kind of forgotten that feeling, actually, and it was so lovely a thing to be reminded exists, especially as we get older and get into more comfortable, less fireworks-inducing stages in our love lives. Can’t wait to see what Stephanie Perkins does next!

All the Light We Cannot See This was lovely and haunting and beautifully-written and deserves every ounce of praise it’s gotten. I keep wondering when people are going to get tired of World War II stories, and the answer is, I don’t think they are, as long as talented writers like Anthony Doerr continue to bring them to live so vividly. It’s sad, as expected, but also hopeful. Just read it. And then, when you’re done, come with me on my journey back to Saint-Malo.

You can also follow along with my reading adventures on my bookish Instagram!

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

5 responses to “Good Reads Lately”

  1. ForkInPage says:

    I loved attachments too – and yes its cute only Rainbow Rowell kinda way. I wish you’d told us more about the stories in the other two. I’m going to pick them up anyway ( eventually) since we both loved attachments. 🙂

    Thanks for the recommendations.

    • Hmmm, you find that helpful? Some people like the book summarized in reviews while others don’t … I personally don’t like knowing too many details about the story before reading as I think it spoils some surprises. But I supposed I could have given more plot details:

      Vanishing Girls is about two sisters recovering after a car accident. It jumps back and forth in time from before the accident to after, and between their two perspectives. It’s kind of confusing, to be honest, but it’s a really great book.

      Isla and the Happily Ever After is about a girl who meets a boy at boarding school, and the sparks that fly between them. There’s rich people and European cities–it’s a lot like Stephanie Perkins’s other two books (which I suggest you read before this one, as the characters overlap and in this one you find out who ends up with who!)

      All the Light We Cannot See is about a blind French girl, who has to evacuate Paris with her father when the German invasion comes, and an orphan German boy who’s drafted into the war. It alternates between their points of view, until they ultimately meet in Saint-Malo during the bombings of 1944. It’s beautiful and heart-wrenching!

      Does that help? Be sure to let me know what you think!

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