
How Do You Afford Your Books?


A friend asked me a question not too long ago…

“How do you afford all the books you read?”

The short answer is: I prioritize them in my budget.

Meaning: I buy the books I want to buy regardless of their price.

And I don’t feel bad about that. Here is why:

(Caveat: this post applies to me. I am not saying everyone should spend all the money they have on books or trying to lecture anyone on book-buying habits; I’m simply explaining my own.)

1. I work hard and live below my means I am not a starving artist. I’ve toyed with the idea of quitting my day job to focus on writing, but there are advantages and disadvantages to that (which I’ll get into in a separate post). But right now, I work hard, put in long hours, and I make some decent money at that. I’ve also always lived below my means in terms of rent and lifestyle, so I have disposable income. So if I want to spend that income on things that make me happy (and sane!), I don’t feel guilty for doing so.

2. I want to support publishing The publishing industry is tough, or so I’ve heard. With e-books and the influx of self-publishing, it’s harder than ever for writers to get their work out there and make money off of it. When I buy new hardcover books, instead of waiting for the paperback or for it to hit the library (both of which are valid options if that’s what works for you!) I don’t feel like I’m “wasting my money”, as some (ahem, Mom) have hinted I’m doing.

3. I like physical books Am I the last person on earth not to have an e-reader? Maybe. But I love physical books. I love carrying them around, I love displaying them on my shelves, I love holding them in my hands. I spend all day in front of a computer or phone; my  book time is hold-thing-in-hands-non-screen time. I don’t mind spending more on those books, and I don’t mind the space they take up in my apartment. (I only keep the books I liked or learned something from; the rest are donated to my building’s little lending library.)

4. I don’t have the time (or patience) for the library My local library is about a fifteen minute walk from my apartment. Which isn’t that far, but to get and return books, that’s a half hour out of my day, which during the week I rarely have, and on the weekends, could be spent doing other things (writing, cleaning, exercising). It is faster and easier for me to go online and order the books I want. (Though I will sometimes patronize my aforementioned building lending library; that’s where I found this book, actually.) Also, when I really want to read something, I want to read it now, not wait for months for it.

5. I don’t spend money on a lot of other things for myself I buy new clothes only when I need them. I rarely buy new shoes or bags. I don’t spend a lot on my hair, I don’t pay for a gym, we don’t have cable. Books are actually pretty cheap when compared with all of those things–even a $20 hardcover debut.

If you go to the library, if you buy e-books–that is all fine! (Except if you download them illegally–that is not fine!) Let me know what works for you!

Image of my own apartment (just kidding!) Image actually from here

Posted on Thursday, 12 January 2017

Filed under Blog, Reading

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9 responses to “How Do You Afford Your Books?”

  1. traceyr1984 says:

    I am mostly a library person. I also like to buy books second hand but I do buy new books when I am reading a series and one or two are missing from the library (most annoying and a bit puzzling). I am not much of an e-reader either, just not the same as a “real” book.

  2. sargondorsai says:

    Budgeting for books has always been a priority for me. They’re on my list up there with the various video games I might purchase. I have a yearly (instead of monthly, cause I can’t afford monthly) budget. My favorite authors like David Weber get first priority and I generally buy them new, hardback, when they come out. Otherwise I listen to recommendations and pick up used copies for a couple bucks a piece.

  3. ForkInPage says:

    How’d you get a picture of my room?! 😮
    But yes to all the above points. I recently started trying to use the library but I also find it cumbersome to make deadline and wait for books. Not sure how much I like or hate this process.

  4. harveycd says:

    I am a computing teacher and I don’t like e-readers! Got to say charity shops and library for me. You can go online and check and reserve books at a library plus I like that I am not contributing to even more trees being cut down. With two children I don’t have space for lots of books, most of the ones I have are theirs! Our local library also emails when books are due and can renew online so it is nice and easy.
    I think everyone saves up and skimps on something for the stuff they like. I spend very little money on anything so I can buy really cool toys for the kids (largely so I can play with them!), my excess income seems to be Lego money at the moment!

  5. […] to that that I generally buy all my books, rather than get them from the library, and I get very put out indeed when it’s turned out […]

  6. Tita says:

    Oh, I feel like I have to correct this general misconception that libraries are where you go when you want to borrow books. Oh no no. A library is like a physical daydream where you go when you want to dream about reading circa all the books in the entire universe. You enter and it’s quiet and it smells like books and books are all there is. There is something so beautiful about this space full of books and readers, full of stories and possibilities. To me a bookshop, no matter how lovely, is never quite the same. In a library nobody wants to sell me anything and I am a free reader with every possibility to read every single book in the entire catalogue.

  7. […] I can. If I want a bottle of wine or a slightly pricier lunch platter or a good pair of shoes or all the books I want–I can buy them without worrying about […]

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