
Need Help Prior to Querying? Enter Author Mentor Match!


Exciting news for unagented authors!

Author Mentor Match starts TOMORROW!

What is Author Mentor Match, you might ask?

It’s what it sounds like. A program that pairs unrepresented authors with agented and published writers as mentors. Potential mentees choose up to 4 mentors to submit completed manuscripts to. Mentors then choose the manuscript they like best, and then the mentorship begins! Mentors help with revisions, querying, synopsis-writing, and everything in between.

There are dozens of mentors in the Middle Grade, Young Adult, and Adult categories. And for the first time ever, I’m a mentor! Please send me all your amazing character-driven YA!

Why am I a mentor? I did this program back when it first started (I wrote about it here) and I give so much credit to my amazing mentor with whipping my manuscript into query-ready shape. I’m honestly not sure I’d be represented right now without her.

Guidelines can be found on the #AMM website. Submit to us! And good luck!

Photo by hannah grace on Unsplash

Posted on Wednesday, 12 February 2020

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One response to “Need Help Prior to Querying? Enter Author Mentor Match!”

  1. […] Become a writer mentor I did this! […]

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