
Starting the Last Book in a Favorite Series

Just a quick post to say I started this book today, which is the fourth book in The Raven Cycle, which is the LAST book in The Raven Cycle. I’m finding it quite difficult to concentrate at work as all I want to do is hole up in a magical forest and read this. Also, I’m going to need some emotional support when I’m finished. Anyone want to start a support group?

Posted on Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Filed under Blog, Reading

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3 responses to “Starting the Last Book in a Favorite Series”

  1. Sue Ranscht says:

    I haven’t read any of that series, so I wouldn’t know what to say, but I know exactly what you’re going through. <3

  2. ForkInPage says:

    Enjoy every moment!
    I just started book 2…

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