On Bite-Sized Writing

So I’ve been reading a lot of this guy lately…

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Things Making Me Think

Happy Friday! How was your week?

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On Priorities

   Just a quick post to apologize for my highly irregular posting lately. The good news: I finally have a day job that’s interesting enough not to make me sit around bemoaning the fact that I’m not a writer all day. I’m working for an interesting, dynamic young company, doing their social media and best […]

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Friday Things

Happy Friday!

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Friday Things

It’s Friday! It’s Labor Day Weekend! After the month I’ve had, I fully intend to do little more than sit on the beach and read the entire weekend.

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Friday Things

This felt like the longest week ever. The day job monster was trying to get me down. But I persevered in preserving my writing time, and I hope you did too! Here are three things that helped me through my week:

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Writing versus Blogging—The Epic Struggle

So when I started this blog I was actually thinking I’d be posting to it more often. All the ideas! Can’t keep up!

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