My Year in Books: 2016

I was woefully inadequate when it came to reading this year! I only read …

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MK’s Book Reviews: Outlander

I read this book you may have heard of and…

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Trespasser

I read Tana French’s latest novel and…

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An October Reading List

Tis the season for scary books!

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How To Choose the Books to Bring With You on Vacation

As promised, I want to combine two of my favorite things and talk about how I decide which books to bring with me when I travel…

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The Fall Books I Can’t Wait To Read

Happy first day of fall!

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MK’s Book Reviews: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

I read a really great book last week…

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Stand

I said a while ago that before the year was out, I wanted to have full reviews up of all my favorite books of all time…

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MK’s Book Reviews: Tell the Wolves I’m Home

Recently I read Tell the Wolves I’m Home, by Carol Rifka Brunt, and…

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A (Not So) Brief Personal Reading History

To be honest, I’m not sure how this came up–I think perhaps I read a similar concept on another blog, but I can’t for the life of me remember which one–but I decided to do a study on my own personal reading history…

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