MK’s Book Reviews: The Magicians

So I read The Magicians by Lev Grossman, which has been billed as “Harry Potter for Assholes”, and…

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The Best YA (For People Who “Don’t Like YA”)

I’ve decided Fridays are good days for book posts. So that is where they shall be from now unto eternity (or at least, until I change my mind again.)

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My Favorite Literary Relationships

There are a lot of elements that make up an excellent book.

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What Authors’ Books Will You Always Pick Up?

All this news about Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has got me thinking…

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The Best New App for Bibliophiles

Just a quick post to say that I am obsessed with Litsy, a new app that’s kind of like what would happen if Instagram and Goodreads had a baby, and you should all go download it and be obsessed along with me. You know when you’re reading a book and you just want to yell out […]

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MK’s Book Reviews: Me Before You

So after watching the trailer, I decided to read this…

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Boy Most Likely To

I recently read the sequel to this book, and…

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MK’s Book Reviews: All The Bright Places

Apologies for the longer-than-expected hiatus! It’s been quite the busy week and a half. Changes are coming my way. Which is terrifying, but good. I hope. More on that later. Today I want to talk about the reason I bawled myself to sleep last night. Unsurprisingly, it was because of a book. You may have heard […]

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MK’s Book Reviews: Shadow and Bone

If you follow me on Twitter at all you may have seen me freaking out about this book a bit lately…

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Good Reads Lately

The newspaper isn’t one of them January is a great month for reading. (Then again, what month isn’t?) If you need some recos, here are some good ones I’ve read lately:

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