What Do You Do When You’re In a Reading Rut?

I have a problem…

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7 Reasons to Read: Bone Gap, by Laura Ruby

I read a weird, interesting, awesome book not too long ago, and…

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6 Reasons to Read: Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

Oh hi, I’m back, and I just finished reading a really good book…

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MK’s Book (and TV) Reviews: Thirteen Reasons Why

I’d had this book on my radar for some time, even though, for many reasons, suicide is not a subject I like to read about. But it was a YA phenomenon, and so, prompted by the Netflix hype, I finally read it, and…

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Why #OwnVoices Is So Important

Own Voices. If you’re not a writer or you don’t spend much time with the book community on Twitter, you may not know this term…

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Hating Game

Are you in the mood for the cutest book ever?

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MK’s Book Reviews: Replica

Do you need a new book?

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Love That Split the World

I read a beautiful, very weird book recently and I have mixed feelings…

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MK’s Book Reviews: A Darker Shade of Magic

  In the midst of current events, the one thing keeping me from going totally insane is…

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How Do You Afford Your Books?

A friend asked me a question not too long ago…

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