MK’s Book Reviews: Station Eleven

Remember when I stated that in all of 2016, I didn’t read a book that ended up on my favorites ever list?

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My Year in Books: 2016

I was woefully inadequate when it came to reading this year! I only read …

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MK’s Book Reviews: Outlander

I read this book you may have heard of and…

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The Most Important Lessons I’ve Learned From Fiction

Has anyone ever told you that fiction doesn’t matter?

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Sea of Tranquility

I read a beautiful book recently and wanted to share…

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Walls Around Us

One reader I follow on Goodreads called this “a beautiful little mindf*ck of a novel”, and…

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Trespasser

I read Tana French’s latest novel and…

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An October Reading List

Tis the season for scary books!

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How To Choose the Books to Bring With You on Vacation

As promised, I want to combine two of my favorite things and talk about how I decide which books to bring with me when I travel…

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The Books that Taught Me the Most About: Plot

So I started writing a post about the books that have taught me the most as a writer. And I’m not talking about the “How to Write a Novel” books…

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