MK’s Book Reviews: The Girl of Fire and Thorns

So after a 3-star book streak, I finally read a book I adored…

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My Year in Books

The 3 stars I wasn’t sure I was going to do this post because compared to last year, I was woefully inadequate–I only read 50 books this year compared to last year’s 60! I chalk that mainly up to this book and this one, each of which took me over a month to get through, thus leaving […]

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Getting Back Into Writing

If you’re anything like me, December is a particularly challenging time of year to maintain steady writing habits. I refer to this period as “Novel Interruptus” and I’ve long since stopped trying to fight it/feel guilty for it. After all, the reason writing gets interrupted is because I’m busy doing one of the things I said I’d […]

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Writing Tip: Read in Your Genre

So I’m in the process of writing my first YA fantasy novel, and something recently occurred to me…

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MK’s Book Reviews: Carry On

Confession: I’ve been an obnoxiously slow reader lately. Life has been getting in the way. But last night, I finally finished this book…

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On Audiobooks

Last week I drove solo from Jersey City to Raleigh, North Carolina. I stopped in DC for a few days on my way there, but on the way back I drove straight through, so I decided I’d try out an audiobook for the very first time ever…

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Learning From the Masters: The Meet-Cute Part IV

No series on writing meet-cutes would be complete without quoting the master of the contemporary YA romance: Stephanie Perkins.

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Book Thief

It has recently come to my attention that not everyone has read this amazing important book. If you are among this unfortunate group of people, please read on…

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Friday Things

“Friday Finally” is trending on Twitter, and for once I am in total agreement with the masses.

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The Best Series of All Time (according to me)

Since getting embroiled in yet another series I love, I’ve been thinking about my favorite series (plural) of all time…

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