6 Books I’ve Loved This Year

What are you reading this summer? My day job is directing content and social media at a startup, which means I’m aware of all those dumb holidays that trend on Twitter on any given day, which means I know that #NationalBookLoversDay is coming up!

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3 Great Books

I’m on a “great book” streak, so I just wanted to share three recent reads I very much enjoyed…

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Recent Reads: The New and Notable

I have been super negligent on the book reviews lately…

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What Are You Reading This Summer?

My summer reading list so far has been…

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What Do You Do When You’re In a Reading Rut?

I have a problem…

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7 Reasons to Read: Bone Gap, by Laura Ruby

I read a weird, interesting, awesome book not too long ago, and…

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6 Reasons to Read: Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

Oh hi, I’m back, and I just finished reading a really good book…

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Why #OwnVoices Is So Important

Own Voices. If you’re not a writer or you don’t spend much time with the book community on Twitter, you may not know this term…

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Hating Game

Are you in the mood for the cutest book ever?

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How Do You Choose What Books To Read Next?

What’s your process for choosing the new books you’re going to read?

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