The Sisters Who Travel Together

Continuing with my travel essays series, this week I bring you: how a week in the tower room of a French chateau with my sister taught me the secret to family harmony.

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: The Pros and Cons of Traveling Off-Season

The reason people like to travel in warm weather is obvious. But I don’t always like to do this, and here’s why…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: The Loire Valley

If you like castles and history, I know a place you should go…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

Don’t major in French, they said. It’s useless, they said. What “they” failed to take into account was that someday, a relative could win a trip to stay in a French chateau for free. And that this relative may need a translator. And then, as the sole French-speaking niece in the family, you will be invited to […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

The current story I’m writing is about a group of high school kids on a school trip to Paris. It draws largely on my own experiences. I just wrote the part where they take a day trip out to the Loire Valley to see the chateaus, and writing about seeing those amazing places for the first time […]

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Chateau de Gudanes

Have you heard about this? An Australian couple is restoring a 94-room chateau in middle-of-nowhere, France, blogging about it, and even Instagramming. File under “to do once I make my millions.”

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