Friday Things

This week was interminable. But now it’s Friday! Here are some things that made my week:

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MK’s Book Reviews: Chaos Walking

I’ve been reading up a storm lately, barely pausing to update my Goodreads, much less write a review. But I recently read a trilogy of books that merits one. The Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness merits a lot more than that.  “Without a filter, a man is just chaos walking.”

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Friday Things

After a good week last week, I’m back to feeling restless. It’s my job, it’s the city, it’s the winter that still hasn’t completely gone away, it’s my miniature apartment. I’m dreaming of wide open fields and blue skies and houses with actual kitchens. I go around in circles: leave the city–but it’s not necessarily cheaper, and I […]

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Learning from the Masters: Kissing Scenes

So in my contemporary YA work in progress, I’m finally finally at the point where the people I want to kiss, do. Yay! I wrote a draft of that scene. And then reread it. And it was … meh. I wanted the literary equivalent to fireworks, only less clichéd. I did not produce that. And though I know […]

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The First 250 Words

Much has been written on the importance of the first 250 words of your manuscript. All of it is true. It can be hard, as a writer, to keep that in mind–you have the whole story to keep in your mind–so polishing (or demolishing and rewriting) your opening is something best done at the editing stage. Once […]

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Friday Things

TGIF!! (How I wish that lineup of sitcoms was still on…) Here are the things that made my week:

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A Magician or a Workman?

I came across this article yesterday. It’s brilliant. Read it, then return to me.

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“Why Is Every Book You Recommend Sad?”

A friend recently asked me this and it got me thinking. Do I really only like sad books?

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Good Reads Lately

The newspaper isn’t one of them January is a great month for reading. (Then again, what month isn’t?) If you need some recos, here are some good ones I’ve read lately:

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Closing Lines from my favorite novels

I did a post on the opening lines from my favorite novels; here, a post on those same novels’ closing lines (along with this lovely photo I found here). See how many you can guess!

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