MK’s Book Reviews: The Rest of Us Just Live Here

I finished the latest Patrick Ness novel earlier this week (you may recall how obsessed I was with his Chaos Walking trilogy) and…

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Starting the Last Book in a Favorite Series

Just a quick post to say I started this book today, which is the fourth book in The Raven Cycle, which is the LAST book in The Raven Cycle. I’m finding it quite difficult to concentrate at work as all I want to do is hole up in a magical forest and read this. Also, […]

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Writing Tip: The Protagonist of Your Novel Isn’t You

Just a quick PSA today on protagonists…

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MK’s Book Reviews: Lady Midnight

I finished the 600+ page new installment in Cassandra Clare’s (neverending) Shadowhunter series earlier this week, and…

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The Best New App for Bibliophiles

Just a quick post to say that I am obsessed with Litsy, a new app that’s kind of like what would happen if Instagram and Goodreads had a baby, and you should all go download it and be obsessed along with me. You know when you’re reading a book and you just want to yell out […]

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Writing Tip: On Characters’ Physical Descriptions

Just a quick post today on something I noticed in a recent read…

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MK’s Book Reviews: Me Before You

So after watching the trailer, I decided to read this…

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How Not To Start Writing A Novel

1. Read every piece of writing advice ever written. There could be something out there you missed! Be sure to order every book online and read every article on the internet before you sit down to write. 2. Obey every piece of writing advice ever written. It worked for them, so it must work for […]

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When To Open Your Story Up To Critique

As always, writing advice is subjective;  do what works for you. But early on in my writing endeavors, I read a book that changed the way I thought about drafting and receiving critical feedback on my work, so I wanted to share my method…

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Boy Most Likely To

I recently read the sequel to this book, and…

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