On NaNoWriMo Learnings

I mentioned before how I attempted to NaNo for the first time ever this year, and…

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Writers: How Long Does It Take You From First Draft To Finished?

At my writing group last week, an interesting question arose…

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Writing Tip: The Protagonist of Your Novel Isn’t You

Just a quick PSA today on protagonists…

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Writing Tip: Make Your Characters Human

Which is easier said than done.

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When To Open Your Story Up To Critique

As always, writing advice is subjective;  do what works for you. But early on in my writing endeavors, I read a book that changed the way I thought about drafting and receiving critical feedback on my work, so I wanted to share my method…

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What Part Are You Good At?

I have an important question to ask you writers on this rainy (if you’re in the tri-state area) Monday… What part are you good at?

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Writing Tip: Read in Your Genre, BUT…

I wrote about one of the most important writing tips of all a little while ago: the importance of reading in the genre you’re writing in. But I forgot one big caveat of this.

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The One Thing You Need to Keep Readers Reading

I was writing a scene in my current manuscript–and I was getting bored. This was not good. If I, the writer, was bored writing this scene–what are the readers going to think? Boredom is definitely not the emotion you want your readers to feel. So I looked back on the scene I was writing and […]

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Improve Your Writing: Kill Your Darlings

It’s advice you hear over and over and over again…

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Writing Tip: Take A Break

So I know this might seem counterproductive, but one of the biggest things I’ve learned in the 5+ years I’ve been writing is…

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