Wanderlusty Wednesday: Normandy in Spring

A brief break in the reading and writing content today for me to reminisce on the fact that it’s been 10 years since I left Normandy, and still, it’s rare a day will go by that I don’t think of that place and my experiences there.

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On Traveling Alone

Time for another travel essay. Today’s topic: that time I decided to travel alone. 

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Travel Tip: Talk to Strangers

Time for another travel essay. Today’s topic: on why you should talk to strangers while traveling. 

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The French Shrug (or, How I Almost Committed Horse-Theft)

Time for another travel essay. Today, one of the things I do not miss about France.

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On Reverse Culture Shock

This week’s travel essay is on what happens to you when you stop traveling. (All past travel essays here)

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The Sisters Who Travel Together

Continuing with my travel essays series, this week I bring you: how a week in the tower room of a French chateau with my sister taught me the secret to family harmony.

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: (Attempt to) Speak the Language

   When I tell people I lived in France, a frequent question I get is…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Traveling on the Cheap

One of the most frustrating things to me is when I expound the virtues of travel, hearing people say, “I wish I could afford it!”

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

Just a quick note to say I’ve started a new job this week and I’m a bit busy, to say the least. This weekend I need to figure out a way to have time to work, and write, and blog, and sleep. (If anyone has any tips, please let me know.) And it’s Wanderlusty Wednesday, […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: The Pros and Cons of Traveling Off-Season

The reason people like to travel in warm weather is obvious. But I don’t always like to do this, and here’s why…

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