Don’t Stop Traveling

So I’ve been thinking about this a lot since the horrible but all too common events in Paris on Friday…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: The Loire Valley

If you like castles and history, I know a place you should go…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Bayeux

To continue my France kick…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: D-Day Beaches

Having lived in Normandy for a year, it would have been more than remiss of me never to see arguably the region’s biggest draw…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Les plages de la Normandie

I meant to do a post about traveling to the D-Day beaches in Normandy today, but I do not have time. So for now I’ll leave you with this photo of one of those beaches–they’re oddly incredibly peaceful today–with more info to come next week. Stay tuned!

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Jersey

And I’m not referring to the state in which I was born…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: South of France

Wishing you a day filled with sunshine (and sunflowers)! Photo taken by me, June 2011, somewhere on a road in France

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

I wish I was on a beach somewhere, anywhere, instead of in the office today. That is all. Image taken by me on a beach near Cherbourg, France, March 2007.

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Giverny

Time to talk about one of my favorite places on earth… Do you like flowers? Of course you do. They’re beautiful and fragrant. Do you like Monet? How could you not? His paintings are beautiful. So I suggest you head to the place that feels like you’ve just stepped into one of his paintings: Giverny, in […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

I wish I was spending the day writing at a café in Paris. That is all. Photo taken by me, April 2007.

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