Wanderlusty Wednesday: Saint-Malo

In honor of the fact that I’ve just started reading this book (and so far, it’s amazing), today I’m going to talk about one of my favorite little places on earth: Saint-Malo.

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Rouen

I’ve written before about my preferred method of travel: the slow-soak version.

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Ile d’If

Do you remember the first time you saw water that was so many different shades of blue and green it looked fake?

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On Travel Nostalgia

“Let’s never come here again because it will never be as much fun.” —Lost in Translation I’ve mentioned before that I lived in Normandy for a year after college, teaching English. This was before I met my other half, and as it was such a big part of my life, he’s heard me expound on […]

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On Becoming an Expat

Welcome to your beautiful new home! You know no one. Enjoy.

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Feeling Nostalgic

Today I’m missing Saint-Lô. Most of all, I miss those autumn afternoons where I had nothing to do but take long walks out into the countryside on the Route Du Candol, with no one but the cows for company. I thought I was doing nothing but wandering, but really I was percolating; these long walks inspired the […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

Don’t major in French, they said. It’s useless, they said. What “they” failed to take into account was that someday, a relative could win a trip to stay in a French chateau for free. And that this relative may need a translator. And then, as the sole French-speaking niece in the family, you will be invited to […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

The current story I’m writing is about a group of high school kids on a school trip to Paris. It draws largely on my own experiences. I just wrote the part where they take a day trip out to the Loire Valley to see the chateaus, and writing about seeing those amazing places for the first time […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Honfleur

Over the weekend, I encountered a couple who was thinking of taking a trip to Normandy next year. I immediately started providing my unsolicited travel advice, since I used to live there. But before I had gotten very far, they interrupted me and said, “No no–we don’t have time for all of that. We just […]

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