The Good Things: May

Hello! Amongst a stressful month (does anyone else have nightly dreams about showing up to their own wedding only to realize they forgot to plan it? No? Just me?) I still found time to appreciate some good things in my life. And they are: A Good Bookish Thing I read two 9-star books: this one, and also Bone Gap, […]

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The Good Things (February)

How was your February?

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The Good Things (January)

Time to celebrate the GOOD things (amid all the HORRIFIC things) that happened in January…

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The Good Things (October Part I)

The week back from vacation can be rough..

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The Good Things (September, Part IV)

This was a good week!

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The Good Things (September, Part III)

It’s not been a great week, because of this. I am worried and feeling helpless, because mostly I am, and I’m having trouble concentrating. But as Dumbledore says, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if only we remember to turn on the light…

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The Good Things (September, Part II)

It’s been a week…

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The Good Things (August, Part 1)

I want to try a new series on Fridays…

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A History of Journaling

I think I want to start journaling again, but I’m struggling with how.

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On Choice

When I was in high school, I went through a new-age phase. I have no hard stats on this, but I think that may have happened to a good percentage of confused Catholic-raised adolescents in the ’90s who saw The Craft or walked past a Hot Topic and thought, “Hmmm. Maybe that’s who I am?”

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