If You Cannot Be Unafraid

This week I learned: If you cannot be unafraid, be afraid and happy. Quote taken from this beautiful book. It’s so simple, and goes along with what I want for my life, which is to worry less, be in the moment more, and yet it’s something I’ve never seen articulated so well until now. I’m […]

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To the Salad Naysayers

Adding a little lifestyle content to my writing and wandering blog… Someone told me the other day that they “don’t like salads.” My response to that is: that’s because you’re doing it wrong. So, how to do it right? Start with an interesting green as a base (arugula, kale, swiss chard) and not one of […]

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On The Power Of Saying No

Lesson of the week: say no. You may think you’re doing the right thing by saying yes when people ask you to meet their new baby/catch up over happy hour/attend a writing critique session, but when you go three nights in a row not getting home until after ten and subsequently not getting enough sleep, […]

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Things Making Me Think

Happy Friday! This week was not great for me, but it’s over now (the work-week part, anyways). I have very little in the way of plans this weekend, which makes me quite happy. Taking a slightly different approach to this post this week. Let’s see if people (including me) like it. Something I’ve learned (about […]

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Things Making Me Think

Happy rainy Friday. It’s a day in which I feel like being this cat. My (many-windowed) bedroom is at the top floor of our apartment building, so I woke to the howling and pounding of the rain. It would have been a lovely day to stay in bed, but alas, I have promises to keep, […]

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Things Making Me Think

Tootsie Running a blog, you always have to make the decision of which parts of your life to reveal on the internet and which parts to keep to yourself. As someone who is terrible at hiding her emotions and pretty much incapable of lying, I find this especially hard. However, the past couple of weeks […]

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Things Making Me Think

Hi Friday, and more importantly, hi warm weather + weekend with absolutely no plans! I’m looking forward to getting some writing done on my deck. How about you? Here are some things making me think this week: YAS. “That’s exactly what the terrorists want, so absolutely not.” Preach. Agree with most of these, though I’d also add […]

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Things Making Me Think

Happy Friday! How was your week?

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Things Making Me Think

Happy Friday!

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I Need To Come Up With A Better Title For This Series (suggestions welcome)

I’m writing this on my deck in the middle of a lovely cloudy day off which I’ve dedicated to catching up on my writing. So just time for a brief recap of the week (yes, I stole that line.)

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