Friday Things

It’s Friday, and this supposed hurricane seems to be petering out, so there’s two bits of good news right there.

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Friday Things

Happy fall!

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Friday Things

Another week, another summer, comes to a close.

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Friday Things

It’s Friday! It’s Labor Day Weekend! After the month I’ve had, I fully intend to do little more than sit on the beach and read the entire weekend.

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Friday Things

Four of the greatest words in the English language: this too shall pass.

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Friday Things

After a good week last week, I’m back to feeling restless. It’s my job, it’s the city, it’s the winter that still hasn’t completely gone away, it’s my miniature apartment. I’m dreaming of wide open fields and blue skies and houses with actual kitchens. I go around in circles: leave the city–but it’s not necessarily cheaper, and I […]

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Friday Things

As everyone else bitches about the cold, I’m really trying to savor winter, despite the fact I don’t live in a place as lovely as this. Staying in and writing, drinking hot toddies, bundling up in scarves, watching snow fall–is anyone else with me? Here are some things that made my week: 1. This chart of […]

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Friday Things

Happy Friday! 1. I’ve already posted about the deliciousness that is sage tea, but I’ve now found something that makes it even better: raw honey! If you haven’t tried it, you should: it’s healthier and more delicious than regular honey. (Downside: it’s a lot pricier!) 2. I made this soup last night and it’s AMAZING. […]

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Friday things

So I promised this blog would be about writing, reading, and traveling and I haven’t done a post on any of those things in a very long time. I’m sorry! All I can say is that I’ve been too busy writing, reading, and traveling to post about them. But I’m going to do better. I […]

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Friday Things

Confession: I really love lifestyle blogs. Like this one and this one and this one. I’ve always wanted one, but I am so not that girl–the one with the perfect outfit and the perfect hair and the perfectly curated apartment. I will never make the time to learn how to give myself a perfectly braided bun or […]

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