Silver Linings

I thought it was just the US that was getting scarier and scarier. Not so, apparently.

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On The Power Of Saying No

Lesson of the week: say no. You may think you’re doing the right thing by saying yes when people ask you to meet their new baby/catch up over happy hour/attend a writing critique session, but when you go three nights in a row not getting home until after ten and subsequently not getting enough sleep, […]

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Things Making Me Think

Happy Friday! This week was not great for me, but it’s over now (the work-week part, anyways). I have very little in the way of plans this weekend, which makes me quite happy. Taking a slightly different approach to this post this week. Let’s see if people (including me) like it. Something I’ve learned (about […]

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Things Making Me Think

Happy rainy Friday. It’s a day in which I feel like being this cat. My (many-windowed) bedroom is at the top floor of our apartment building, so I woke to the howling and pounding of the rain. It would have been a lovely day to stay in bed, but alas, I have promises to keep, […]

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Things Making Me Think

Hi Friday, and more importantly, hi warm weather + weekend with absolutely no plans! I’m looking forward to getting some writing done on my deck. How about you? Here are some things making me think this week: YAS. “That’s exactly what the terrorists want, so absolutely not.” Preach. Agree with most of these, though I’d also add […]

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Friday Things

Happy Friday!

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Friday Things

It’s been a challenging week, to say the least.

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Friday Things

It’s Friday, and this supposed hurricane seems to be petering out, so there’s two bits of good news right there.

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Friday Things

Four of the greatest words in the English language: this too shall pass.

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Friday Things

It’s nothing, sir, so long as there’s health and a clear conscience. This quote, from Anna Karenina, is the attitude we should all have about our “problems”.

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