Friday Things

Where is this and can I live here? I have been horribly stressed this week. I won’t bore you with the details, but here is how I combat no-good-very-bad weeks:

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Friday Things

This week was interminable. But now it’s Friday! Here are some things that made my week:

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Friday Things

I’m a bit behind on the blogging due to a last-minute re-vacation to St. John (pictured above), where I devoured these novels. But I am back now, in full-on getting-ready-for-spring mode. In NYC the snow is melting and I am back to writing and attempting to move my life to where I want it to be, one […]

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Friday Things

Confession: I really love lifestyle blogs. Like this one and this one and this one. I’ve always wanted one, but I am so not that girl–the one with the perfect outfit and the perfect hair and the perfectly curated apartment. I will never make the time to learn how to give myself a perfectly braided bun or […]

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