The Best YA (For People Who “Don’t Like YA”)

I’ve decided Fridays are good days for book posts. So that is where they shall be from now unto eternity (or at least, until I change my mind again.)

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Learning from the Masters: The Meet-Cute Part II

Last week I talked about meet-cutes–the moment when the protagonist meets her potential romantic lead. Today I want to give another example…

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MK’s Book Reviews: I’ll Give You The Sun

Today I’m going to be talking about Jandy Nelson’s I’ll Give You The Sun. You have to read this book. Why?

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Friday Things

I’m a bit behind on the blogging due to a last-minute re-vacation to St. John (pictured above), where I devoured these novels. But I am back now, in full-on getting-ready-for-spring mode. In NYC the snow is melting and I am back to writing and attempting to move my life to where I want it to be, one […]

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