Book Review: Will Grayson, Will Grayson

I read this book, co-authored by John Green and David Levithan, a little while ago, and…

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Learning from the Masters: The Meet-Cute Part III

Time for another Meet-Cute! (In case you missed them, Parts One and Two). Behold, one of my favorite meet-cutes of all time:

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Friday Things

Four of the greatest words in the English language: this too shall pass.

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MK’s Book Reviews: Looking for Alaska

With this uber-popular John Green novel (that was redundant) set to become a movie, I thought I’d add my own book review to the undoubtedly dozens out there…

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Learning from the Masters: The First 250 Words

I’m still struggling with getting the beginning of my novel just right, so it’s time for another installment of this. (Installments 1 and 2 here and here). I’ve been getting more and more into YA contemporary. Jandy Nelson, Stephanie Perkins, Robyn Schneider, Gayle Forman, Rainbow Rowell, and David Levithan are all recent faves. But I’d argue […]

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The Marks We Leave Are Too Often Scars

This is something that’s been on my mind for awhile now.

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