The Fall Books I Can’t Wait To Read

Happy first day of fall!

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MK’s Book Reviews: Six of Crows

I’ve been gushing about this book all over social media because …

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Learning from the Masters: The (Sort-of) Meet-Cute

As I explained last week, I’m looking for examples of meet-cutes in which the two parties concerned already know each other. There actually aren’t a ton of those out there in YA, or so I’ve found. Yet I do have one for today, an example from the trilogy I’m currently obsessed with…

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MK’s Book Reviews: Shadow and Bone

If you follow me on Twitter at all you may have seen me freaking out about this book a bit lately…

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Learning From The Masters: Setting the Scene

Time for another example of how the brilliant authors who came before me introduced readers to a setting without making it boring…

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