2023 Resolutions: A Year in Review

I’ll go ahead and say it: 2023 was a pretty good year for me.

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23 Resolutions for 2023

It’s that time again! Where I make goals, not necessarily in order to accomplish them all, but to try. Here’s my list for this year: So those are mine! What are yours? Photo by Moritz Knöringer on Unsplash

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2022 Resolutions: A (Partial) Success Story

It’s time for my favorite end of the year activity…

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22 Resolutions for 2022

I said I wasn’t sure if I was going to do it, but here I am, doing it, so…

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54 Goals for 2020

Happy New Year! Happy New Decade!

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2019 Resolutions: How’d You Do?

Happy New Year’s Eve!

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50 New Goals for the New Year

Happy 2019!

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New Year’s Resolutions: a Mid-Year Check In

Hello, how is your year going?

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How was your January?

How was your month?

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New Goals for a New Year

Happy New Year!

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