Things Making Me Think

Happy Friday! This week was not great for me, but it’s over now (the work-week part, anyways). I have very little in the way of plans this weekend, which makes me quite happy. Taking a slightly different approach to this post this week. Let’s see if people (including me) like it. Something I’ve learned (about […]

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Things Making Me Think

Hi Friday, and more importantly, hi warm weather + weekend with absolutely no plans! I’m looking forward to getting some writing done on my deck. How about you? Here are some things making me think this week: YAS. “That’s exactly what the terrorists want, so absolutely not.” Preach. Agree with most of these, though I’d also add […]

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Things Making Me Think

Happy Friday! How was your week?

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Friday Things

Hey, I managed to do a blog post today!

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Friday Things

Happy Friday!

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Learning from the Masters: Kissing Scenes

I wrote about this before, but I recently read the BEST kissing scene I had to add to my list…

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Friday Things

Happy Friday!

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Learning from the Masters: The (Sort-of) Meet-Cute

As I explained last week, I’m looking for examples of meet-cutes in which the two parties concerned already know each other. There actually aren’t a ton of those out there in YA, or so I’ve found. Yet I do have one for today, an example from the trilogy I’m currently obsessed with…

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Friday Things

Hello Friday, it’s wonderful to see you.

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Learning from the Masters: The Meet-Cute (sort of)

In my current manuscript, there are many things I’m struggling with. (More on some of those other things here.) One of them is when my protagonist first meets the boy who will eventually become a love interest. In movies, known as the “meet-cute.”

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