Friday Things

The first week in January is always an odd one.

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Learning From the Masters: The Meet-Cute Part IV

No series on writing meet-cutes would be complete without quoting the master of the contemporary YA romance: Stephanie Perkins.

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Friday Things

“Friday Finally” is trending on Twitter, and for once I am in total agreement with the masses.

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Friday Things

How was your week? Mine was interesting…

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Friday Things

It’s Friday, and this supposed hurricane seems to be petering out, so there’s two bits of good news right there.

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Friday Things

Happy fall!

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Friday Things

Another week, another summer, comes to a close.

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Friday Things

It’s Friday! It’s Labor Day Weekend! After the month I’ve had, I fully intend to do little more than sit on the beach and read the entire weekend.

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Editing Tip: On Receiving Feedback

I’ve been MIA! Apologies for the absence, but I finally MOVED last week, into an amazing duplex in Jersey City that feels positively palatial in comparison to the 375-square-foot apartment we left behind in Brooklyn Heights. It’s been an insanely stressful month, but yesterday as I was sitting on my deck, coffee and book in hand, […]

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Friday Things

Four of the greatest words in the English language: this too shall pass.

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