Friday Things

I like being drunk. On booze, on fiction, on writing, on love, on beautiful sentences. Maybe that’s why I’m so discontent on a daily basis; my day job can be quite sobering most of the time.

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Learning from the Masters: The First 250 Words

I’m currently revising the first book I ever wrote. After many years of debate, I’ve decided to definitively kill my darling of a prologue and start right away with the main story. I wrote before about the importance of the first 250 words of your manuscript and I’ll probably write about it again because it was […]

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Friday Things

This week was interminable. But now it’s Friday! Here are some things that made my week:

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The First 250 Words

Much has been written on the importance of the first 250 words of your manuscript. All of it is true. It can be hard, as a writer, to keep that in mind–you have the whole story to keep in your mind–so polishing (or demolishing and rewriting) your opening is something best done at the editing stage. Once […]

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Friday Things

TGIF!! (How I wish that lineup of sitcoms was still on…) Here are the things that made my week:

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Friday Things

I’ve had a very long week and thought many times about running away from my life like the dude in the picture above. I know I’m lucky to have a good job with a good company that pays me more than enough to live on, but sometimes the soul-sucking hours spent in a windowless cubicle […]

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Friday Things

Happy Halloween! It’s been awhile since I’ve gone out on this sacred holiday, but tonight I’m dressing up, going out with friends, and partying like it’s 2008. I am predicting I will start out excited, and then as the night wears on I will start to feel old, come to face the inevitable truth that my […]

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On Show and Tell

As a writer, it’s a mantra you hear over and over: “Show, don’t tell.” There’s a reason it’s repeated endlessly: it’s one of the main things that separates good writing from bad writing.

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