My Favorite Female Writers

Happy International Women’s Day! To celebrate, I’d like to pay something of an homage to my favorite female writers. The following women are everything I aspire to be as a writer. Also, from what I’ve heard, they’re pretty cool people, too. Jennifer Niven Starting off this list with my newest fave. I’ve only read one […]

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Learning from the Masters: The Meet-Cute (sort of)

In my current manuscript, there are many things I’m struggling with. (More on some of those other things here.) One of them is when my protagonist first meets the boy who will eventually become a love interest. In movies, known as the “meet-cute.”

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Learning From the Masters: The Meet-Cute Part IV

No series on writing meet-cutes would be complete without quoting the master of the contemporary YA romance: Stephanie Perkins.

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Good Reads Lately

Been a little while since I updated you all on my reading list. Here are some recent good reads (and incidentally, you can follow my other good reads on Goodreads).

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Friday Things

I like being drunk. On booze, on fiction, on writing, on love, on beautiful sentences. Maybe that’s why I’m so discontent on a daily basis; my day job can be quite sobering most of the time.

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Learning from the Masters: Kissing Scenes

So in my contemporary YA work in progress, I’m finally finally at the point where the people I want to kiss, do. Yay! I wrote a draft of that scene. And then reread it. And it was … meh. I wanted the literary equivalent to fireworks, only less clichéd. I did not produce that. And though I know […]

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Good Reads Lately

The newspaper isn’t one of them January is a great month for reading. (Then again, what month isn’t?) If you need some recos, here are some good ones I’ve read lately:

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MK’s Book Reviews: Anna and the French Kiss

Finally got around to reading the book I’ve seen all over the internets lately (I follow a lot of young adult-minded people, most of whom are probably actual teenagers, mostly on Tumblr.)

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