“That’s not where my interests lie.”

I’ve been thinking a lot about this phrase lately…

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The Common Threads Running Through Our Stories

What common threads run through your fiction?

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MK’s Book Reviews: The Stand

I said a while ago that before the year was out, I wanted to have full reviews up of all my favorite books of all time…

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Writing Tip: Don’t Focus on Theme (in the first draft)

I gave away what I’m going to be talking about in my title. But this is really important, so please read on…

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Improve Your Writing: Kill Your Darlings

It’s advice you hear over and over and over again…

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Writing Tip: Take A Break

So I know this might seem counterproductive, but one of the biggest things I’ve learned in the 5+ years I’ve been writing is…

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MK’s Book Reviews: Stephen King’s It

Okay. I am not a horror fan, not a violence fan, and definitely not a clown fan. Why did I read this book?

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Friday Things

Another week, another summer, comes to a close.

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Friday Things

It’s Friday! It’s Labor Day Weekend! After the month I’ve had, I fully intend to do little more than sit on the beach and read the entire weekend.

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Friday Things

Four of the greatest words in the English language: this too shall pass.

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