Friday Things

Happy Friday! I love summer. It’s the season of getting invited to go beautiful places for free.

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Learning from the Masters: Voice

I’ve written about voice in YA contemporary (twice), I’ve written about voice in YA historical, and today I’m going to talk about the voice of a writer who’s not YA at all. Because while it’s absolutely crucial as a writer to read within our genres, there is a tremendous amount to be learned from other genres, […]

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Friday Things

Happy Friday!

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Friday Things

Happy Friday! It’s been a crazy week for me, in the way I really think that weeks in July should not be. But here are three things (in addition to the image above) that helped get me through it:

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My Writing Space

“It starts with this: put your desk in the corner, and every time you sit down there to write, remind yourself why it isn’t in the middle of the room. Life isn’t a support system for art. It’s the other way around.”  —Stephen King My humble writing spot. I’d love to see photos of yours!

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On Getting Started

I get a lot of questions when people find out I wrote a novel. One of the most popular is: how did you start? So if you’re thinking of writing a novel, I thought I’d share some advice on how to get started.

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Writing versus Blogging—The Epic Struggle

So when I started this blog I was actually thinking I’d be posting to it more often. All the ideas! Can’t keep up!

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