MK’s Book Reviews: The Likeness

In which I attempt to put my feelings about my favorite book of all time into words.

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Learning from the Masters: On Varying Sentence Length

What would you say the goal of writing a novel is?

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Learning from the Masters: Kissing Scenes

So in my contemporary YA work in progress, I’m finally finally at the point where the people I want to kiss, do. Yay! I wrote a draft of that scene. And then reread it. And it was … meh. I wanted the literary equivalent to fireworks, only less clichéd. I did not produce that. And though I know […]

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Friday Things

TGIF!! (How I wish that lineup of sitcoms was still on…) Here are the things that made my week:

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Good Books (as of late)

I get asked for book recommendations a lot. Mostly because I read like a fiend. (And maybe because I have decent taste.) My goal with this blog was to post glowing reviews after every wonderful book I read. But I read fast, and I review more slowly. So here is a super-abbreviated version of reviews […]

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On Themes

I’m nearly done with The Secret Place. It’s one of those books that you want to rush through and savor at the same time. Rush through, because you just want to know what happens, savor because Tana French is just such a beautiful writer and her book worlds are so well-drawn and heartbreaking you don’t want […]

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The Secret Place

This just arrived and I CANNOT BE MORE EXCITED. Won’t be getting much more done this week!

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On Rejection and Perspective

I finished my first novel–I mean edited-down, polished-to-a-gleaming-shine, FINISHED-finished–about 3 months ago now. When I was done, I thought, FINALLY. Now my writing life can finally begin! You know nothing, self of 3 months ago…

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What (I Think) Really Happened in Tana French’s In the Woods


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The Accidental Writer

 Tana French (whom I LOVE) on accidentally becoming a writer (from this interview):

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