On Meeting (and Exceeding!) Your Weekly Writing Goals

For the first time in life, I’m actually sticking to my weekly writing goals. How?

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The 13 Steps to Starting a New Novel

Step 1: The Muse graces you with a Shiny New Idea! Step 2: You frantically tap out the idea on the Notes section of your phone. (This often happens in bed, in the shower, at a social function, or walking down the street. The Muse cares not at all about inconveniencing you.) Step 3: Life, Responsibilities, and […]

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Writers: How To Take Advantage of a Writing Wave

A wonderful thing has been happening to me lately…

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Things To Do When Your Muse Is Ignoring You

Other than stare at your feet Happy Monday, writers and readers! You know those writing days when your writing is flowing like a magical waterfall out of your fingertips and onto the page and you’re practically crying with joy at the brilliance that is you?

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