On Traveling Alone

Time for another travel essay. Today’s topic: that time I decided to travel alone. 

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Travel Tip: Talk to Strangers

Time for another travel essay. Today’s topic: on why you should talk to strangers while traveling. 

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The French Shrug (or, How I Almost Committed Horse-Theft)

Time for another travel essay. Today, one of the things I do not miss about France.

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Five Hostel Lessons (As Learned in Berlin)

It’s Wanderlusty Wednesday, which means it’s time for another travel essay! (All past travel essays here). Today: the lessons learned from hosteling in Berlin.

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The Sisters Who Travel Together

Continuing with my travel essays series, this week I bring you: how a week in the tower room of a French chateau with my sister taught me the secret to family harmony.

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Sleepless in Barcelona (or, We Can Sleep When We’re Home)

I’m continuing my series of travel essays this week with a story about Barcelona, otherwise known as the city in which I did not sleep.

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: A Series of Unfortunate Events (in Prague)

I’ve been reading a lot of personal essays on blogs lately, so I thought I’d try my hand at it. First up: my true-life story about why Prague sucks.*

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