On Traveling Alone

Time for another travel essay. Today’s topic: that time I decided to travel alone. 

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“Where Are Your Travel Posts?”

Still inside my head!

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My Top Things To Do in Ireland

I went to Ireland a couple of weeks ago…

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The 7 Lessons I Learned in Ireland

Hello, I’m back!

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How To Choose the Books to Bring With You on Vacation

As promised, I want to combine two of my favorite things and talk about how I decide which books to bring with me when I travel…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: A Change of Plans

Remember how two weeks ago I said we’d decided to go to the Pacific Northwest for a road trip this year?

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Planning a Pacific Northwest Road Trip

I’ve officially decided on a Pacific Northwest road trip for my (woefully short) vacation this year, and I need help…

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Travel Tip: Talk to Strangers

Time for another travel essay. Today’s topic: on why you should talk to strangers while traveling. 

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The French Shrug (or, How I Almost Committed Horse-Theft)

Time for another travel essay. Today, one of the things I do not miss about France.

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On Reverse Culture Shock

This week’s travel essay is on what happens to you when you stop traveling. (All past travel essays here)

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