Don’t Stop Traveling

So I’ve been thinking about this a lot since the horrible but all too common events in Paris on Friday…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: DC

I’m back! I had a lovely week off driving up and down the east coast of the USA. One of my stops: Washington, DC, where, it being my fourth or fifth time there, I did more than the usual touristy things. I thought I’d share some new things to do in our nation’s capital, particularly […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: The Loire Valley

If you like castles and history, I know a place you should go…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Bayeux

To continue my France kick…

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Friday Things

How was your week? Mine was interesting…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Paris in the Winter

As the song goes, “I love Paris, in the winter, when it drizzles….”

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Brooklyn Heights

In honor of the fact that I just left Brooklyn, I thought I’d post about some of my favorite things to do and see in my former beloved borough…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Jersey

And I’m not referring to the state in which I was born…

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Giverny

Time to talk about one of my favorite places on earth… Do you like flowers? Of course you do. They’re beautiful and fragrant. Do you like Monet? How could you not? His paintings are beautiful. So I suggest you head to the place that feels like you’ve just stepped into one of his paintings: Giverny, in […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

Facebook was kind enough to remind me that two years ago, at this time, I was sailing around the Greek islands in a catamaran.

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