On Becoming an Expat

Welcome to your beautiful new home! You know no one. Enjoy.

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Berlin

Berlin is one of my favorite cities in the world. Why haven’t I written about it until now? Mainly because I don’t have many great photos from my time there.

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Feeling Nostalgic

Today I’m missing Saint-Lô. Most of all, I miss those autumn afternoons where I had nothing to do but take long walks out into the countryside on the Route Du Candol, with no one but the cows for company. I thought I was doing nothing but wandering, but really I was percolating; these long walks inspired the […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Lake George

It’s almost September. The end of the summer is always a weird time, even after you’re out of school. And is it just me or do the summers go by faster and faster the older you get?

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

Don’t major in French, they said. It’s useless, they said. What “they” failed to take into account was that someday, a relative could win a trip to stay in a French chateau for free. And that this relative may need a translator. And then, as the sole French-speaking niece in the family, you will be invited to […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

I’m having one of those days (weeks, actually) where all I want to do is crawl inside a book and live there. Or just go to some remote, beautiful location and read good books and drink cocktails all day. The above book is one of my frequent rereads. I can’t recall ever reading an epistolary novel […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

I long to be where the sand meets the sea….

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

The current story I’m writing is about a group of high school kids on a school trip to Paris. It draws largely on my own experiences. I just wrote the part where they take a day trip out to the Loire Valley to see the chateaus, and writing about seeing those amazing places for the first time […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Honfleur

Over the weekend, I encountered a couple who was thinking of taking a trip to Normandy next year. I immediately started providing my unsolicited travel advice, since I used to live there. But before I had gotten very far, they interrupted me and said, “No no–we don’t have time for all of that. We just […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Hydra

I think I’ll make this a thing. Because Wednesdays can be boring, and because I like alliteration.

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