I MarchedĀ 

I said I wasn’t sure if I would, but I did, and…

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“But I’m NOT Racist!” (or, Show, Don’t Tell)

(This isn’t going to become a political blog, I swear. But I’m in the “angry” stage of grief right now, and so I’m using my words to help get it out.) I read an article yesterday written by a young Republican woman who, because she voted for Trump, felt the need to clarify that she’s […]

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The Dark Night of the Soul

I’ve been having trouble getting anything done–work, writing, reading, anything–since Wednesday morning. I don’t really have the words for how sickened I feel with the direction our country has taken. I’m terrified for the environment, terrified at the resurgence in hate crimes, terrified for the possibility that so much of what Obama has worked for could be […]

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Things Making Me Think

Happy rainy Friday. It’s a day in which I feel like being this cat. My (many-windowed) bedroom is at the top floor of our apartment building, so I woke to the howling and pounding of the rain. It would have been a lovely day to stay in bed, but alas, I have promises to keep, […]

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