Wanderlusty Wednesday

I wish I was on a beach somewhere, anywhere, instead of in the office today. That is all. Image taken by me on a beach near Cherbourg, France, March 2007.

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Friday Things

Happy Friday! It’s been a crazy week for me, in the way I really think that weeks in July should not be. But here are three things (in addition to the image above) that helped get me through it:

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Giverny

Time to talk about one of my favorite places on earth… Do you like flowers? Of course you do. They’re beautiful and fragrant. Do you like Monet? How could you not? His paintings are beautiful. So I suggest you head to the place that feels like you’ve just stepped into one of his paintings: Giverny, in […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: Patagonia

Have you been there? I’ll write a full post about it someday, because it was just an amazing experience, but for now I’ll leave you with this lovely photo that was taken just outside our hotel, on the edge of a lake in the middle of absolutely nowhere. What I wouldn’t give some days to […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday: It’s a Thing

The lovely Kaitlin asked me last week if I’d mind if she also started posting “Wanderlusty Wednesday” posts, and of course I said, feel free! She has a great post about Barcelona which you should all go and read. In solidarity, I will also post my own photo of one of my favorite cities. For more […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

No time for a proper post today, just a note to say that if you’re ever on a road trip through California, be sure to stop at Hearst Castle. It’s wonderful and amazing and weird and they let you chill by the pool in the waning evening sun. Fun fact: employees of Hearst Castle actually […]

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

Facebook was kind enough to remind me that two years ago, at this time, I was sailing around the Greek islands in a catamaran.

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Wanderlusty Wednesday

I wish I was spending the day writing at a café in Paris. That is all. Photo taken by me, April 2007.

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