Writing Tip: On Characters’ Physical Descriptions

Just a quick post today on something I noticed in a recent read…

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Writing Tip: Make Your Characters Human

Which is easier said than done.

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How Not To Start Writing A Novel

1. Read every piece of writing advice ever written. There could be something out there you missed! Be sure to order every book online and read every article on the internet before you sit down to write. 2. Obey every piece of writing advice ever written. It worked for them, so it must work for […]

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Writing Tip: “Three Great Scenes, No Bad Ones”

So as I’m slogging through my current work-in-progress, there are a lot of problems I’m encountering. One of them is this:

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Learning From The Masters: Setting the Scene

Another example of a good descriptive paragraph, this time from this awesome book which was one of the ones I couldn’t put down last year (though I gave the entire series mixed reviews…)

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On Editing: A Quick Trick

Editing: an essential part of the writing process. From what I can tell, some people love it, and others love to hate it. I personally love editing my own work, taking that raw material and polishing it to a gleaming shine. But like any part of the writing process, editing comes with countless frustrations. There’s […]

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