Writers: On (Temporary) Mid-Draft Abandonment

Do you abandon your writing projects?

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Writing Tips: A Round-Up

Did you ever start writing a blog post only to realize you’d already written it?

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How Many Unfinished Novels Do You Have?

This past weekend, I hit a wall with my current novel-in-progress. I’m not sure what it is, only that I lost the love of writing it. This has happened to me before. And I knew I had two choices.

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Getting Back Into Writing

If you’re anything like me, December is a particularly challenging time of year to maintain steady writing habits. I refer to this period as “Novel Interruptus” and I’ve long since stopped trying to fight it/feel guilty for it. After all, the reason writing gets interrupted is because I’m busy doing one of the things I said I’d […]

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Get Over Writer’s Block by Copying

And no, I’m not suggesting plagiarism…

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