How To Write Characters You Hate

Some writerly musings this Monday…

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The Stages of Novel-Writing, Ranked from Worst to Best

I got to thinking about all the steps in the writerly process lately…

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One Weird Trick to Get Me In My Character’s Mindset

Just a quick writing tip for your Wednesday…

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How To Be A Good Critique Partner

So now that we’ve covered why you need to be a good critique partner, here are some tips on how to do that…

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Writers: Why You Need to Learn How to Give a Good Critique

I’ve written before about where to find critique partners but I wanted to touch on something just as important…

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How To Get Writing Done on Your Lunch Break

So I’ve talked a bit about how to find time to write when you work a full-time day job…

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Writers: On How To Organize Yourself When Revising

If you’ve ever revised your writing, you know how overwhelming it can seem…

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Writers: How Do You Track Your Progress?

After years of trying out several different ways to track my writing progress, I think I’ve finally found the one that works best for me…

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When Do You Write (When You Get Really Busy)?

I’m having some problems…

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How To Edit Your Novel (In Sixteen Steps)

The best way to learn how to do something properly is to do it wrong dozens of times until you figure it out … right?

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