Writers: On (Temporary) Mid-Draft Abandonment

Do you abandon your writing projects?

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My Biggest Time-Saving Tips

I’ve talked about the advantages to having a day job, as well as which day job to choose, and so today I want to talk about the one big disadvantage to that day job…

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Learning from the Masters: on Writing Dual Timelines

Do you ever decide to write a book, then at some point during the revisions, look at it and say, wow, I made this really hard on myself?

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Writers: On Picking the Right Day Job

Last week I talked about the advantages to having a day job as a writer, and today I want to take it a step further…

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The Advantages to Having A Day Job

Hey people, how was your first week in the new regime?

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Writing Tips: A Round-Up

Did you ever start writing a blog post only to realize you’d already written it?

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On Reality in Fiction

A funny thing happened in a writing class not too long ago, and I wanted to share…

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Take a Break

After NaNo, I was exhausted, and also a little lost in the forest that was my WIP…

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Writing Tip: Pick Your Theme

In an attempt to get back to our regularly scheduled programming, I’m once more sharing a writing tip I’ve learned while drafting…

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Writers: Write the Right Story

In my early NaNoWriMo attempts this year, I discovered something I wanted to share…

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