Writers: Try Anyway

I wanted to share one important lesson I’ve learned in both writing and in life, today on this most important of days…

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To NaNo or Not To NaNo: That Is The Question

November is coming. For some people, that means Thanksgiving and holiday shopping (if you’re a non-procrastinator, which I definitely am not.) For writers, it means something else….

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Writers: Work on Multiple Projects

I have this habit…

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Writers: The Best Writing Advice You Will Ever Get

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The Best TV Shows for Writers

I know that a good amount of writing advice out there includes a rule somewhere that says something like, “Turn off the TV and write”…

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On Playing the Long (Writing) Game

Once upon a time there was a young girl named Mary Kate who dreamed about being a writer…

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Writers: How Long Does It Take You From First Draft To Finished?

At my writing group last week, an interesting question arose…

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Writers: How To Carve Out Writing Time

Once upon a time, I had a dream…

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Writers: How To Take Advantage of a Writing Wave

A wonderful thing has been happening to me lately…

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Writers: How to Choose What to Write Next

The question How do you get your ideas? always makes me laugh.

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