Things To Do When Your Muse Is Ignoring You

Other than stare at your feet Happy Monday, writers and readers! You know those writing days when your writing is flowing like a magical waterfall out of your fingertips and onto the page and you’re practically crying with joy at the brilliance that is you?

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When To Open Your Story Up To Critique

As always, writing advice is subjective;  do what works for you. But early on in my writing endeavors, I read a book that changed the way I thought about drafting and receiving critical feedback on my work, so I wanted to share my method…

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How Many Unfinished Novels Do You Have?

This past weekend, I hit a wall with my current novel-in-progress. I’m not sure what it is, only that I lost the love of writing it. This has happened to me before. And I knew I had two choices.

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The Worst Kinds of Articles on the Internet (and why you shouldn’t read them)

I recently discovered a new favorite writer.

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Writing Tip: “Three Great Scenes, No Bad Ones”

So as I’m slogging through my current work-in-progress, there are a lot of problems I’m encountering. One of them is this:

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Getting Back Into Writing

If you’re anything like me, December is a particularly challenging time of year to maintain steady writing habits. I refer to this period as “Novel Interruptus” and I’ve long since stopped trying to fight it/feel guilty for it. After all, the reason writing gets interrupted is because I’m busy doing one of the things I said I’d […]

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Friday Things

NaNoWriMo is over, December is here, and I’m nowhere near ready for either. Are you?

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Writing Tip: Read in Your Genre

So I’m in the process of writing my first YA fantasy novel, and something recently occurred to me…

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Writing Tip: What Your First Draft Should Look Like

I’m currently in the process of first-drafting a new manuscript, something I haven’t done in over a year. And I’m quickly remembering all the fun that can be had with first drafts–and also, all the challenges…

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Improve Your Writing: On Dialogue Tags

Just time for a quick writing lesson today…

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