On Meeting (and Exceeding!) Your Weekly Writing Goals

For the first time in life, I’m actually sticking to my weekly writing goals. How?

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More Praise for the Day Job

I’ve written about day-jobbing before (here, here, here, and here, among other places) but this morning I came across something else worth sharing…

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The 13 Steps to Starting a New Novel

Step 1: The Muse graces you with a Shiny New Idea! Step 2: You frantically tap out the idea on the Notes section of your phone. (This often happens in bed, in the shower, at a social function, or walking down the street. The Muse cares not at all about inconveniencing you.) Step 3: Life, Responsibilities, and […]

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On Learning How to Do the Thing by Doing the Thing

I’ve been thinking a lot about process lately. The writing process, specifically, but process overall as well…

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What To Do When You Have Writing Schizophrenia

I finished the (hopefully near final) draft of my second novel last week, and an interesting thing has been happening to me since then…

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How To Write Characters You Hate

Some writerly musings this Monday…

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The Stages of Novel-Writing, Ranked from Worst to Best

I got to thinking about all the steps in the writerly process lately…

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One Weird Trick to Get Me In My Character’s Mindset

Just a quick writing tip for your Wednesday…

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Guest Post Alert!

I’m excited to be featured on one of my favorite writing blogs today! Head on over to Writability to see my post on why working with the right critique partners is so important! Image found somewhere on here

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How To Be A Good Critique Partner

So now that we’ve covered why you need to be a good critique partner, here are some tips on how to do that…

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