When To Open Your Story Up To Critique

As always, writing advice is subjective;  do what works for you. But early on in my writing endeavors, I read a book that changed the way I thought about drafting and receiving critical feedback on my work, so I wanted to share my method…

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What Part Are You Good At?

I have an important question to ask you writers on this rainy (if you’re in the tri-state area) Monday… What part are you good at?

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How Many Unfinished Novels Do You Have?

This past weekend, I hit a wall with my current novel-in-progress. I’m not sure what it is, only that I lost the love of writing it. This has happened to me before. And I knew I had two choices.

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I Need To Come Up With A Better Title For This Series (suggestions welcome)

I’m writing this on my deck in the middle of a lovely cloudy day off which I’ve dedicated to catching up on my writing. So just time for a brief recap of the week (yes, I stole that line.)

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The Worst Kinds of Articles on the Internet (and why you shouldn’t read them)

I recently discovered a new favorite writer.

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What Makes It Epic?

Two weeks ago I asked this very important question, and last week I asked this one. Today I’m asking the final question in this series…

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My Favorite Female Writers

Happy International Women’s Day! To celebrate, I’d like to pay something of an homage to my favorite female writers. The following women are everything I aspire to be as a writer. Also, from what I’ve heard, they’re pretty cool people, too. Jennifer Niven Starting off this list with my newest fave. I’ve only read one […]

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Writing Tip: Don’t Focus on Theme (in the first draft)

I gave away what I’m going to be talking about in my title. But this is really important, so please read on…

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Friday Things

Happy Friday!

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What Draws You Into A Story?

I haven’t decided what my next Learning from the Masters lesson will be. So for today, I’m asking a very important question…

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